A Community Growing Together in Faith

Parish Advisory Council


The Nominating Committee of the current Parish Council is prayerfully looking for parishioners who would be interested in serving in a leadership capacity on the council for a two-year term. The Parish Council is an advisory board serving the Pastor and Parish, as voices of the parishioners in leadership roles by both by example and commitment. They will assist the Parish Leadership Team in learning and implementing the Essential Core Values and Strategic Anchors of the Parish. As part of Parish Council, we ask you attend monthly meetings, support parish initiatives, and most importantly, serve as a leader supporting the mission of the parish. It is our hope that the new Parish Council would include people of all age groups that might lead, inspire, and invigorate new ideas to further enhance our faith community both now and the future. You are invited to nominate yourself or another parishioner (with their consent) who you think would be an excellent addition to the council. Please submit any names to Janet Warren @ 203 610 1124 or Janet.Warren@Raveis.com by September 6, 2024. Thank you for prayerfully considering this ministry of service.

God Bless,

Fr. Peter J. Towsley 

Pastor Our Lady of Peace

230 Park Blvd.

Stratford, CT., 06615

Website: https://ourladyofpeacestratfordct.weconnect.com/ Office: (203) 377-4863 Dir: (203) 941-5257


A pastoral council is a consultative body in dioceses and parishes of the Roman Catholic Church that serves to advise the parish priest or bishop about pastoral issues. The council's main purpose is to investigate, reflect and reach conclusions about pastoral matters to recommend to the parish priest or bishop as appropriate.


Jack Connell, Chairman

Janet Benedict, Recording Secretary

Kate Ceriello

Mark Cummings, Building and Grounds

Francis "Bud" Hewitt, Evangelization (Flocknotes)

Jo Giudice

Jonathan Janick

Charles King

Janet Warren

Reverend Peter Towsley, Pastor

Deacon Thomas Fekete

John Dobos, Jr. Trustee

Janet Lengel, Trustee

Martin Tristine, Finance Advisory Chairman







Calendar Year 2023 Minutes







no meeting in August
